UNFPA Office in Serbia opened in 2006. and since then has been actively working to promote reproductive health and rights, support youth-oriented policies and programs, provide evidence related to population dynamics and support programs promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The activities have been implemented through cooperation with relevant government institutions, professional associations, and educational institutions, other UN agencies and civil society organizations.

Although long recognized as one of the most creative platforms for young creators, Mikser is opening the festival for the second year in a row, in partnership with the UNFPA Serbia, paying tribute to the generation that was most affected by the pandemic, and that is the generations of our older people. At the time of their complete isolation during the one-year isolation, digital literacy of those over 65 became a precondition for their communication, in fact, inclusion into the society. The pandemic only worsened their loneliness and feelings of rejection. The concern for sensitive groups is deeply ingrained in the ideology and “raison d’être” of Mikser. We are proud to announce that we have prepared serious plans for the mass digital literacy of older people in the coming year.